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Visual artist Maria Nørholm Ramouk, MA/DK, b. 1991
Lives and works in Denmark & Morocco
The Royal
Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts
2016-19 - Master of Fine Arts (MFA) (Cand.Art.Perit)
2016-19 - Minor in Art, Writing and Research
2013-16 - Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
2023-25 - Halemto bikom, antom dayman hadiroun (I dream of you, you are always present), Part of Hosting Lands, public work, Hårbølle, Møn (DK) (solo)
2023-25 From you we need embrace, not resistance, w/Karen Nhea Nielsen, Part of Hosting Lands (duo)
2025 - Homage to older women, invited by Hanne Lise Thomsen, different public locations in CPH (DK) (group)
2025 - Re:cast, invited by Ida Højgaard, Mathias Danbolt & Amalie Skovmøller, Universitetsbiblioteket, CPH
2025 - If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart, relaunches @Kulturmødet Mors
If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart, Kulturmødet Mors, invited by Kunsthal Spritten, Mors (DK) (solo)
If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart, Aalborg24, invited by Kunsthal Spritten, Aalborg (DK) (solo)
2024 - N9dro ntjwlo 7da jbola (We could travel the Mountains), solo exhibition, seminar on generosity and trust and text publishing, part of (re)searching archives, Museum of Impossible Forms, invited by ARIEL Feminisms in the Aesthetics, Helsinki (FI) (solo)
N9drou ngharsou chejra (We could plant a Tree), Festival of Endless Gratitude, CPH (DK)
Reading of With whom do we share w/Karen Nhea Nielsen, FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design, CPH
Reading of lidt om det kollektive w/Karen Nhea Nielsen, Astrid Noack’s Studio, CPH (DK)
N9drou ngharsou chejra (We could plant a Tree), + Panel discussion on utopia as a driving force in artistic practices + workshop in plant dyeing w/ I Tråd Med Verden, GRASP Festival + Roskilde Festival Højskole, Roskilde (DK)
N9drou ngharsou chejra (We could plant a Tree), Roskilde Festival, in collaboration with Art Hub Copenhagen, Roskilde (DK)
Sketches for N9drou ngharsou chejra (We could plant a Tree), Open Studio, Sorø Kunstmuseum in collaboration with Art Hub Copenhagen, Sorø (DK)
Everything between us continues from time to time w/Karen Nhea Nielsen, (duo) Rønnebæksholm, Næstved (DK)
We could go to the Sea (Nmchiw lb7re), Astrid Noacks Atelier (solo), CPH (DK)
Haven er aldrig for gammel til at plante noget nyt, siger vi, FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design & Sundholm Aktivitetscenter (solo), CPH (DK)
(Maternity leave)
Haven er aldrig for gammel til at plante noget nyt, siger vi, FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design, CPH (DK)
(Maternity leave)
vi snakkes ved, Tak for Venligheden, Rønnebæksholm, Næstved (DK)
i mostly forgot that time is as it is, KBH Kunsthal, Skive (DK)
a tempo on a second glance never takes the same shape, Danske Grafikeres Hus, CPH (DK)
der findes billeder i mig, Rundgang 2019, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
hvis der er noget, jeg gerne vil huske, kan jeg skrive det ned; jeg kan ikke huske om det er sandheden, jeg skriver, Læsninger i ANA #6, Astrid Noacks Atelier, CPH (DK)
Memory1, HANGAR.ORG, Barcelona (ES)
16th of September 2017, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
saxofonkorrespondance, Et Andet Sted, CPH (DK)
The Collective Coffee Maker, Vi Tager Intet Ansvar, CPH (DK)
saxofonkorrespondance, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
hvis der er noget, jeg gerne vil huske, kan jeg skrive det ned, Galleri Q, CPH (DK)
saxofon(korrespondance), Kunsthal Charlottenborg (DK)
Grandma's mlhfa, Studio413, Glasgow (UK)
Kollegialisme, FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design, Copenhagen (DK)
nu vi er her w/Lise Skou and Anne Dyhr, Galleri Hjemme Igen, Århus (DK)
i mostly forgot that time is as it is, The Studio Whisperes' Office (DK)
Hopscotch l - I'm moving slowly, Kolonien lll (DK)
Through the photographs I sense her impatience. She asks what I’m gonna use them for and adds that it's important to remember nostalgia. I answer that it’s related to my research for the Afgang project, Afgang 2019, MFA Degree Show, Kunsthal Charlottenborg (DK) & The Final Exhibition ll, Art Week CPH (DK)
The so-called utopia of the centre beaubourg, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
U BOJI, Somewhere Festival (DK)
cruise call, The Final Exhibition l (DK)
(saxofon)korrespondance - tourists & money, The Final Exhibition l (DK)
Crit class teacher w/Søren Thilo Funder, Rundgang, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts
Seminar on practice, process and core questions in my practice, @Amplify what exists, invited by ARIEL Feminisms in the Aesthetics, KBH (solo)
Teacher, crit classes, Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling 2024, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen (DK)
Plant dyeing workshop & artist talk, Skitse.nu, Art Matter Festival, Copenhagen (DK)
Talk at the ArtEx seminar “Art, risk and courage” arranged by Talent Norge, Statens Kunstfond & ArtHub Copenhagen (DK)
Symposia for a Just Future, In futurum, CPH (DK)
“En by for kulturen?”, practice presentation and representing FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design, Copenhagen town hall (Københavns Rådhus) (DK)
Free Lunch Series, presentation w/Karen Nhea Nielsen, Deirdre J Humphrys & Lotte Løvholm, Art Hub Copenhagen (DK)
Panelist “Communities in the arts”, Rønnebæksholm, Næstved (DK)
Restorative Conflict Management (seminar), Malmö (S)
Restorative Conflict Management (seminar), Umeå (S)
Thoughts on how to deal with conflicts - two hours seminar and (plenary) discussions, Malmö (S)
Thoughts on how to deal with conflicts - two hours seminar and (plenary) discussions, Umeå (S)
Conflicts’ Restorative Powers, Copenhagen (DK)
16mm, shooting, developing, cutting, projecting (workshop w/Lea Anic & Bodil Krogh), Academy of Fine Art, Zagreb (HR)
Sounding Bodies, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
Conflicts & Collectives (workshop w/Di Ponti), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
Textiles, (workshop), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
Coordinator for 10 newly educated artists and designers at FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design
Co-curating Largely (not wholly) w/Isabella Solar Villaseca at FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design as part of Art Week CPH (DK)
Mentor/Coordinator for 12 newly educated artists and designers at FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design
Co-curating Kollegialisme, Åbent Hus, FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design
Admission Committee for new BFA-students, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Co-teaching at the BFA-program, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Residency TO GO, Art Hub Copenhagen (6 months)
Studio programme, FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design (2 years)
HANGAR.ORG, Barcelona (ES) (Resident)
PUBLICATIONS (features and self-published)
Vores featured in "POOL" by Anne Sofie Skjold Møller
Plantetransformationer, ed. 30, Minor in Art, Writing and Research
Scene 1, self-published
Nordic Culture Point (Mobility funding, 2024)
Statens Kunstfond (Working grants 2022, 2023)
Statens Kunstfond (Production grants 2021, 2023, 2024)
Den Hielmstierne-Rosencroneske Stiftelse (Production grant, 2023)
Næstved Kommune (Grant, 2022)
Trelleborg Fonden (Grant, 2022)
Mærk Næstved (Grant, 2022)
Rådet for Visuel Kunst (Grant, 2022)
Nørrebropuljen (Grant, 2022)
Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen (Grant, 2021)
William Demant Fonden (Travel grant, 2019)
Augustinus Fonden (Travel grant, 2018)
Frk. Marie Månssons Legat (Travel grant, 2018)
Næstved Kommune (Travel grant, 2016)
2017-2018 - School council (Skolerådet), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
2013-2019 - Student council (De Studerenes Råd), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Visual artist Maria Nørholm Ramouk, MA/DK, b. 1991
Lives and works in Denmark & Morocco
The Royal
Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts2016-19 - Master of Fine Arts (MFA) (Cand.Art.Perit)
2016-19 - Minor in Art, Writing and Research
2013-16 - Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
2023-25 - Halemto bikom, antom dayman hadiroun (I dream of you, you are always present), Part of Hosting Lands, public work, Hårbølle, Møn (DK) (solo)
2023-25 From you we need embrace, not resistance, w/Karen Nhea Nielsen, Part of Hosting Lands (duo)
2025 - Homage to older women, invited by Hanne Lise Thomsen, different public locations in CPH (DK) (group)
2025 - Re:cast, invited by Ida Højgaard, Mathias Danbolt & Amalie Skovmøller, Universitetsbiblioteket, CPH
2025 - If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart, relaunches @Kulturmødet Mors
2024If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart, Kulturmødet Mors, invited by Kunsthal Spritten, Mors (DK) (solo)
If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart, Aalborg24, invited by Kunsthal Spritten, Aalborg (DK) (solo)
2024 - N9dro ntjwlo 7da jbola (We could travel the Mountains), solo exhibition, seminar on generosity and trust and text publishing, part of (re)searching archives, Museum of Impossible Forms, invited by ARIEL Feminisms in the Aesthetics, Helsinki (FI) (solo)
N9drou ngharsou chejra (We could plant a Tree), Festival of Endless Gratitude, CPH (DK)
Reading of With whom do we share w/Karen Nhea Nielsen, FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design, CPH
Reading of lidt om det kollektive w/Karen Nhea Nielsen, Astrid Noack’s Studio, CPH (DK)
N9drou ngharsou chejra (We could plant a Tree), + Panel discussion on utopia as a driving force in artistic practices + workshop in plant dyeing w/ I Tråd Med Verden, GRASP Festival + Roskilde Festival Højskole, Roskilde (DK)
N9drou ngharsou chejra (We could plant a Tree), Roskilde Festival, in collaboration with Art Hub Copenhagen, Roskilde (DK)
Sketches for N9drou ngharsou chejra (We could plant a Tree), Open Studio, Sorø Kunstmuseum in collaboration with Art Hub Copenhagen, Sorø (DK)
Everything between us continues from time to time w/Karen Nhea Nielsen, (duo) Rønnebæksholm, Næstved (DK)
We could go to the Sea (Nmchiw lb7re), Astrid Noacks Atelier (solo), CPH (DK)
Haven er aldrig for gammel til at plante noget nyt, siger vi, FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design & Sundholm Aktivitetscenter (solo), CPH (DK)
(Maternity leave)
Haven er aldrig for gammel til at plante noget nyt, siger vi, FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design, CPH (DK)
(Maternity leave)
vi snakkes ved, Tak for Venligheden, Rønnebæksholm, Næstved (DK)
i mostly forgot that time is as it is, KBH Kunsthal, Skive (DK)
a tempo on a second glance never takes the same shape, Danske Grafikeres Hus, CPH (DK)
der findes billeder i mig, Rundgang 2019, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
hvis der er noget, jeg gerne vil huske, kan jeg skrive det ned; jeg kan ikke huske om det er sandheden, jeg skriver, Læsninger i ANA #6, Astrid Noacks Atelier, CPH (DK)
Memory1, HANGAR.ORG, Barcelona (ES)
16th of September 2017, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
saxofonkorrespondance, Et Andet Sted, CPH (DK)
The Collective Coffee Maker, Vi Tager Intet Ansvar, CPH (DK)
saxofonkorrespondance, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
hvis der er noget, jeg gerne vil huske, kan jeg skrive det ned, Galleri Q, CPH (DK)
saxofon(korrespondance), Kunsthal Charlottenborg (DK)
2021Grandma's mlhfa, Studio413, Glasgow (UK)
Kollegialisme, FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design, Copenhagen (DK)
nu vi er her w/Lise Skou and Anne Dyhr, Galleri Hjemme Igen, Århus (DK)
i mostly forgot that time is as it is, The Studio Whisperes' Office (DK)
Hopscotch l - I'm moving slowly, Kolonien lll (DK)
Through the photographs I sense her impatience. She asks what I’m gonna use them for and adds that it's important to remember nostalgia. I answer that it’s related to my research for the Afgang project, Afgang 2019, MFA Degree Show, Kunsthal Charlottenborg (DK) & The Final Exhibition ll, Art Week CPH (DK)
The so-called utopia of the centre beaubourg, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
U BOJI, Somewhere Festival (DK)
cruise call, The Final Exhibition l (DK)
(saxofon)korrespondance - tourists & money, The Final Exhibition l (DK)
2025Crit class teacher w/Søren Thilo Funder, Rundgang, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts
Seminar on practice, process and core questions in my practice, @Amplify what exists, invited by ARIEL Feminisms in the Aesthetics, KBH (solo)
Teacher, crit classes, Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling 2024, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen (DK)
Plant dyeing workshop & artist talk, Skitse.nu, Art Matter Festival, Copenhagen (DK)
Talk at the ArtEx seminar “Art, risk and courage” arranged by Talent Norge, Statens Kunstfond & ArtHub Copenhagen (DK)
Symposia for a Just Future, In futurum, CPH (DK)
“En by for kulturen?”, practice presentation and representing FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design, Copenhagen town hall (Københavns Rådhus) (DK)
Free Lunch Series, presentation w/Karen Nhea Nielsen, Deirdre J Humphrys & Lotte Løvholm, Art Hub Copenhagen (DK)
Panelist “Communities in the arts”, Rønnebæksholm, Næstved (DK)
Restorative Conflict Management (seminar), Malmö (S)
Restorative Conflict Management (seminar), Umeå (S)
Thoughts on how to deal with conflicts - two hours seminar and (plenary) discussions, Malmö (S)
Thoughts on how to deal with conflicts - two hours seminar and (plenary) discussions, Umeå (S)
Conflicts’ Restorative Powers, Copenhagen (DK)
16mm, shooting, developing, cutting, projecting (workshop w/Lea Anic & Bodil Krogh), Academy of Fine Art, Zagreb (HR)
Sounding Bodies, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
Conflicts & Collectives (workshop w/Di Ponti), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
Textiles, (workshop), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK)
2024Coordinator for 10 newly educated artists and designers at FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design
Co-curating Largely (not wholly) w/Isabella Solar Villaseca at FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design as part of Art Week CPH (DK)
Mentor/Coordinator for 12 newly educated artists and designers at FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design
Co-curating Kollegialisme, Åbent Hus, FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design
Admission Committee for new BFA-students, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Co-teaching at the BFA-program, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
2022-23Residency TO GO, Art Hub Copenhagen (6 months)
Studio programme, FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design (2 years)
HANGAR.ORG, Barcelona (ES) (Resident)
PUBLICATIONS (features and self-published)
2020Vores featured in "POOL" by Anne Sofie Skjold Møller
Plantetransformationer, ed. 30, Minor in Art, Writing and Research
Scene 1, self-published
Statens Kunstfond (Sketch for public commision w/Hosting Lands, 2024)Nordic Culture Point (Mobility funding, 2024)
Statens Kunstfond (Working grants 2022, 2023)
Statens Kunstfond (Production grants 2021, 2023, 2024)
Den Hielmstierne-Rosencroneske Stiftelse (Production grant, 2023)
Næstved Kommune (Grant, 2022)
Trelleborg Fonden (Grant, 2022)
Mærk Næstved (Grant, 2022)
Rådet for Visuel Kunst (Grant, 2022)
Nørrebropuljen (Grant, 2022)
Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen (Grant, 2021)
William Demant Fonden (Travel grant, 2019)
Augustinus Fonden (Travel grant, 2018)
Frk. Marie Månssons Legat (Travel grant, 2018)
Næstved Kommune (Travel grant, 2016)
2021- The User’s Council (Brugerrådet), FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design2017-2018 - School council (Skolerådet), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
2013-2019 - Student council (De Studerenes Råd), The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts